
Schizandra Berry Tea Drink Red In Fermented 300ml full of Lignans high in Shikimate. (Also spelled Schisandra

$55.00 $41.25

 Schizandra Fermented Tea   ▪ Scientific Name : Schizandra Chinensis (Schisandrae) Schisandrae other spelling   Contains  “Lignan” prevent a cell damage. "Lignan" improves anti-aging, anti-cancer, the function of the liver, skin conditions, anti-inflammation. Protects...

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 Schizandra Fermented Tea


Scientific Name : Schizandra Chinensis (Schisandrae)

Schisandrae other spelling 

 Contains  “Lignan” prevent a cell damage. "Lignan" improves anti-aging, anti-cancer, the function of the liver, skin conditions, anti-inflammation. Protects the, Lungs, Supports Kidney & Stomach & Kidney function phytochemicals, essential oils, acids, vitamins A and C, chromium, phosphorus, magnesium, silica & high in shikimate.(Shikimic Acid)





 Common Names : Five Flavors Berry, Omija(Korean), Wu Wei Zi(Chinese)    


Schizandra is a plant. The fruit is used as food and also to make medicine.  Schizandra is a woody vine that grows only in North-East Asia countries Korea, China, Russia.  Cultivation requirements are similar to grapes. 

It has attractive green foliage, white flowers and red berries. The fragrant white flowers bloom in the early of May, the round shape of red berries grow ripe from August to September, for about a month harvested the berries from September.

Schizandra at once tastes 5 distinct flavors(Sourness, Sweetness, Hot/Spicy, Bitterness, Saltiness). Schizandra, the fruit of five tastes, makes a good ingredient thanks to the variety of tastes that it can offer and its vivid color.


Five Tastes(5 distinct flavors) and Effects of Schizandra


1. Sourness(skin)

Protects the liver

2. Sweetness(flesh)

Supports stomach function

3. Hot/spicy(seed)

Protects lungs

4. Bitterness(seed)

Strengthens the heart

5. Saltiness(overall)

Enhances the kidney function


 In Korea, "MunGyeong" as Korean small city produced 45 percent of all the schizandra, it is a major schizandra production area in South Korea. "MunGyeong" city government have fostered the fruit as a regional specialty since 1996 and by now "MunGyeong" has become a representative city of schizandra in Korea. As a high altitude(300~700m) region with cool temperatures that makes it perfect for growing schizandra.

In Chinese medicine, it is recorded that Korean schizandra has been praised as a high-quality product. From ancient times, Korean schizandra has been widely known to China and have exported as specialties. Korean schizandra is also known as "Omija". The cordial drink made from the schizandra is called "Omija Cha", meaning "Omija Tea". It's a traditional Korean tea.


How it works

Schizandra was introduced in an ancient herbal medicine document as “It is excellent for enhancing lung's function and throat. It was served as a specialty drink for the royal court and exported to other countries."

Traditionally used in Oriental(Chinese) medicine, it has recently come to the center of people’s attention as a food. Schizandra berries are one of the 50 essential ingredients in traditional Chinese medicine. Fresh schizandra berries are much better tasting than the dried fruit, although both fresh and dried fruit are packed with nutritions.

Chinese medicine regards schizandra as good for the internal organs and scientific research has proven this effect. Also schizandra stimulates the cranial nerve so it can improve memory, liver and lung functions. It is good for blood circulation, anti-aging and strengthen energy for male, additionally cancer inhibiting effects.


Schizandra contains many important substances for better health. Some of these are phytochemicals, essential oils, acids and lignans, vitamins A and C, chromium, phosphorus, magnesium, silica and beneficial fats and antioxidants. These bring health to the body in and of themselves but some of the workings of the specific actions of this herb are still unknown to science.

Besides the vitamins and minerals, this herb also contains lignans called schizandrol, gamma-schizandrin, schizandrin and deoxyschizandrin. These are beneficial to the pulmonary, intestinal and the cardiovascular systems of the body. Schizandra also contains immunomodulating compounds that exhibit cortisone type effects. These are what are thought to relieve stress and normalize the metabolic functions of the body.

In accordance with Korean Principles and Practice of Eastern Medicine, keep drinking of Schizandra Tea improves your skin condition. Moreover, “Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology” claimed that one of ingredients of Schizandra, which is called Schisandrin, protects your skin against photoaging.


■ Ingredients of Schizandra

∙ Ingredients : Water(80%), Fat(1%), Protein(1.2%), Total Sugar Content(13%)

∙ Schizandra Contains Sugar : Fructose(1.83%), Sucrose(1.13%), Glucose(1.05%),
                               Maltose (0.04%), and etc.

∙ Schizandra Organic Acid : Mainly Malic Acid and Citric Acid.

∙ Vitamin(B1) of Schizandra is 9.5 times more than the apple has and 3.8 times more than the blue berry has. Vitamin(B2) of Schizandra is 26 times more than the apple has and 5.2 times more than the blue berry has. Vitamin(B3) of Schizandra is 18 times more than the apple has and 4.5 times more than the blue berry has.

∙ “Lignan”, which is main ingredient of Schizandra, gets changed to antioxidant in order to prevent a cell damage. Furthermore, "Lignan" improves anti-aging, anti-cancer, the function of the liver, a skin condition, and anti-inflammation.


■ Uses of Schizandra

∙ For Antioxidant Properties, Anti-Aging And Longevity

∙ For Rejuvenation And Energy, Increase Stamina

∙ Enhance The Working Of The Immune System

∙ For Mental And Physical Exhaustion, Fight Fatigue

∙ Improve The Functioning Of The Respiratory System

∙ For Aphrodisiac Effects

∙ As A Powerful Adaptogen

∙ Treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Respiratory Ailments

∙ Relieve Stress And Depression

∙ Protect Lungs And Liver

∙ For Allergies, Colds, Sore Throats, And Coughs

∙ Treat Asthma, Influenza, Pre Menstrual Syndrome

∙ Help Digestion And Treat Indigestion

∙ For Circulation, Blood Sugar, And Blood Pressure

∙ For Recuperation After Surgery,

∙ For Insomnia, Night Sweats, Memory, Vision, Hearing, Clarity Of Mind

∙ For It’s Anti-Bacterial And Anti-Viral Properties

∙ Lower High Cholesterol


Schizandra berries are a powerful adaptogen. This means that they will help you adapt to your environment allowing you to better handle stress, whether mental or physical.


It is beneficial to the whole body. Like any adaptogen, Schizandra exerts a normalizing effect on the entire body. It will take you from any extreme back to a balanced state. Schizandra can have a very beneficial impact on your health. It can increase capacity for physical and mental exercise and protect you from environmental stress.


■ Precautions & Side Effects

∙ Schizandra should not be taken by people who have gastroesophageal reflex disease,
epilepsy, peptic ulcers or high brain pressure.

∙ Do not take schizandra if you are pregnant or nursing. And who get the measles and who
have a fever should be avoided.

How it's used

"MunGyeong" is an environmential city that annually produces the best quality of schizandra products in South Korea because its fruit is the largest and the most plentiful juicy products in South Korea.


"MunGyeong" city harvests a natural fresh schizandra in fall season. A natural fresh schizandra can be eaten raw or dried. Generally the products of schizandra which are being sold of dehydrated form, tea(fermented with sugar), powder(in capsule), extract form. Most Korean people prefer dehydrated form and tea, but in the U.S, most of schizandra products are sold of powder(in capsule) and extract form.


■ Manufacturing method of Schizandra Tea

∙ Standard WPLE(Wild Plants Liquid Enzyme) process is the method of extract lactobacillus, yeast fungus, enzyme, and amino-acid from fermented process and 3 to 5 years ripening process. As compare to standard WPLE process, we directly extract beneficial ingredients from schizandra in using different ways.


∙ We make Schizandra Tea in two different ways :

First : We mix sugar with extracted schizandra from dried schizandra, next for 24 hours ripening process and then do sterilizing treatment method. - Extracted Method

Note Other Schizandra Product on site 40.00 retail= Extracted Method



Second : We ferment a mixed sugar with raw schizandra for 100 days in Korean Traditional Pottery and then ripen the fermented schizandra for 30 days to 60 days. Ultimately, we do sterilizing treatment method for ripened Schizandra. - Fermented Method

This Product description= Fermented Method


Fermented Method contains many enzymes through doing fermentation and ripening processes. Fermented Method is mostly used for a right after harvesting Schizandra. On the other hand, Extracted Method is generally used for a long-term saving dried Schizandra so that we could produce its products everyday in a year.

As I mentioned on above paragraph, we are doing sterilization treatment on the last step in order to control the maximum fully fermentation. When Schizandra ferments through touching with air, it definitely produces a beneficial component. However, taste and original color of Schizandra change into high concenstration so that it could lose its own red color and sweet taste. Therefore, if you opened the bottle cap, then you would need to store it in the fridge in order to retain its original taste.


How to eat Schizandra Tea

Schizandra Tea is made by MunGyeong Schizandra which is grown up with non-fertilizer farming system in Korean traditional pottery. It hastens fermentation and ripening of Schizandra so that Schizandra tea can be provided itself with sweet taste and smell.

Schizandra Tea is widely used as an ingredient for beverage and food. In the winter, Schizandra Tea is mixed with three to four times of hot water and it can become a healthy tea to keep you warm. In the summer, you can make Schizandra-ade by adding cold carbonated or water.

It can also be used in a variety of food recipes such as cocktails, salad dressing, barbecue/beef sauce, jam as well as being used as natural food coloring. If you use it when cooking meat, schizandra would make it tender. We can make a fruit punch with Schizandra Tea that also helps digestion. Whether it is made into a drink, milk, yogurt or added to a dish as a sauce, schizandra enhances the food’s taste and fragrance and gives it a beautiful hue thanks to the natural red color of the fruit.


The Charm of Five Tastes and a Vivid Red Color!!!

Good as a Hot Tea in the Winter or a Cold Beverage in the Summer!!!


Korean schizandra drinks have come in to the spotlight on the world stage and received rave reviews. A wine made of schizandra was selected as the “Toast Drink” for the global meeting "G20 Summit(2010)" in Korea. Also Korean and French goverment used the schizandra drink as an official beverage during "120th Anniversary Celebration of Establishing Diplomatic Ties(2006)".


■ Recipe

1. Drinking diluted schizandra undiluted solution with 2-3 times hot water,
cold water or carbonated water helps your thirsty, cough,
asthma improve.

2. Dinking Cocktail with Schizandra tea helps to prevent side
 effect  associated with a hangover.

3. Drinking yogurt or milk with Schizandra is

a very famous for healthy drink.

4. Schizandra Tea can be used as jam, dipping sauce of meat and marinate meat to soften it.

5. Schizandra also can be used as fruit salad dressing.

6. Kneading bread dough with Schizandra helps to bake
colorful well-being bread.





Product Descriptions of Schizandra Tea "Red-in"

SooJiNuri Food in “MunGyeong” is an schizandra processing company famous for producing high-quality schizandra items with the technical support of the Rural Development Administration(RDA) and MunGyeong Agricultural Technology Center(MATC) - two institutions for Korean agricultural technique development and education. The institutions are educating farmers about organic farming technologies and farming ethics.

SooJiNuri Food acquires high quality schizandra under the contract cultivation and its products are distributed under the brand name “Red-In”. From 4~7/Mar. 2014 in “Foodex 2014” at Japan, "Red-In" was sent to Foodex and was very popular from food exhibition participants.







▪ Product Name : Red-in

▪ Method : Fermented

▪ Features : 300ml

▪ Product No.: RNF-3




▪ Products Name : Red-in

▪ Method : Fermented

▪ Features : 300ml

▪ Product No.: RNF-300

References to Schizandra


Wikipedia : Schizandra chinensis

Schizandra chinensis(Omija, Wu wei zi, literally "five flavor berry" which is its common name) is a deciduous woody vine native to forests of Northern China and the Russian Far East. It is hardy in USDA Zone 4.

The plant likes some shade with moist, well-drained soil. The species itself is dioecious, thus flowers on a female plant will only produce fruit when fertilized with pollen from a male plant. However, there is a hybrid selection titled "Eastern Prince" which has perfect flowers and is self-fertile. Seedlings of "Eastern Prince" are sometimes sold under the same name but are typically single-sex plants.


Growing information

Schizandra is native to northeastern China. Cultivation requirements are thought to be similar to those of grapes. Plants require conditions of moderate humidity and light, together with a wet, humus-rich soil. Tens of tons of berries are used annually in Russia in the Primorsky and Khabarovsky regions for the commercial manufacture of juices, wines, extracts and sweets.

Known as Wu We Zi in Mandarin(5 taste fruit), Schizandra chinensis berries are one of the 50 essential ingredients in traditional Chinese medicine. Fresh schizandra berries are much better tasting than the dried fruit, although both fresh and dried fruit are packed with nutrition. That said, the fresh berries are an acquired taste. Most schizandra plants are dioecioius, meaning you need a male and a female plant to set fruit.


Medicinal uses

Its berries are used in traditional Chinese medicine, where it is considered one of the 50 fundamental herbs. They are most often used in dried form, and boiled to make a tea. Chemical constituents include the lignans schizandrin, deoxyschizandrin, gomisins, and pregomisin, which are found in the seeds of the fruit. It should not be used by pregnant women.

In China, a wine is made from the berries. In Korean the berries are known as Omija. The cordial drink made from the berries is called Omija Cha(meaning "Omija Tea"). In Japanese, they are called gomishi. The Ainu people used this plant, called repnihat, as a remedy for colds and sea-sickness.

In traditional Chinese medicine, schizandra chinensis is believed to : act as an astringent for the Qi of the lungs and kidneys, restrain the essence to treat diarrhea, arrest excessive sweating from deficiency of Yin or Yang, calm the spirit by refreshing the heart and kidneys, and generate body fluid and reduce thirst.


The great interest in schizandra in Russia arises from results of ethnopharmacological investigations of Russian scientists in the Far East regions where the berries and seeds were used by Nanai hunters to improve night vision, as a tonic and to reduce hunger, thirst and exhaustion since “it gives forces to follow a sable all the day without food”.

Pharmacological studies on animals have shown that Schizandra increases physical working capacity and affords a stress-protective effect against a broad spectrum of harmful factors including heat shock, skin burn, cooling, frostbite, immobilisation, swimming under load in an atmosphere with decreased air pressure, aseptic inflammation, irradiation, and heavy metal intoxication.


The phytoadaptogen exerts an effect on the central nervous, sympathetic, endocrine, immune, respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal systems, on the development of experimental atherosclerosis, on blood sugar and acid-base balance, and on uterus myotonic activity.



Two major lignans, schizandrin and gomisinA, have been shown to induce interleukin(IL)-8, macrophage inflammatory protein-1β and granulocyte-macrophage-colony stimulating factor release by THP-1 cells.

Therefore, S.Chinensis may be therapeutically beneficial in promoting the body's humoral and cell-mediated immune responses.

Schizandrin is one of the main dibenzocyclooctadiene lignans present in the fruit of schizandra chinensis.


In vitro biological activities including hepatoprotective, antiviral and neuroprotective effects of schizandrin and other dibenzocyclooctadiene lignans have been reported. Recent studies have demonstrated that schizandrin exhibits anti-oxidative effects in mice.

Other chemical constituents include schisandrin B, γ-terpinene, bisabolene (+)-gomisin K2, gomisin S, pregomisin, schisantherin A, schicantherin B, angeloylgomisin Q, and rubrildilactione.




Healing Herbs and Medicinal Plants List : Schizandra

Herbs List / Published June 13, 2011


* Scientific Name : Schizandra chinensis

* Common Names : Schisandra, Five flavor berry, Omija, Wu wei zi, Magnolia vine

* Family : Schisandraceae

* Part Used : Fruit

* Habitat : Schizandra is native to northern China

* Caution : Schizandra should not be taken by people who have gastroesophageal reflex disease(GERD), epilepsy, peptic ulcers or high brain(intracranial) pressure.


Schizandra berries are an adaptogen. Eating them may help you adapt to mental and physical stress more easily. It is packed with nutrition and gives one more energy. It is very beneficial to the skin.



Schizandra Benefits

Schizandra(sometimes spelled Schisandra) berries are a powerful adaptogen. This means that they will help you adapt to your environment allowing you to better handle stress, whether mental or physical.

An adaptogen is used as an overall wellness tonic. It is beneficial to the whole body. Like any adaptogen, Schizandra exerts a normalizing effect on the entire body. It will take you from any extreme back to a balanced state. In China, it is said to be the most protective of all herbs and plants.

Schizandra can have a very beneficial impact on your health. It can increase capacity for physical and mental exercise and protect you from environmental stress.

This herb can increase your energy by stimulating the central nervous system without making you nervous like caffeine would. But since it’s an adaptogen, it can also calm the nervous system when facing stress.


Many people take this herb to increase energy. It is especially popular with athletes as it boosts nitric oxide levels in the body. It fights fatigue as well, making it even more beneficial. Schizandra increases energy at the cellular level. The Health Sciences Institute states that schizandra berry can raise the body’s enzyme, glutathione. This enzyme detoxifies the body in a way that improves mental clarity. It is widely taken by students in China for this reason.

Probably its best known property is as a protector of the liver, due to the lignans it contains. It helps maintain its proper functioning and regeneration and is also used to prevent liver damage. Schizandra uses its fat soluble compounds found in the core of its seed to protect the liver from toxins.

Schizandra is often used in the treatment of hepatitis C. Besides its liver protecting properties, it is also beneficial to the kidneys as it helps balances the fluid in the body. This amazing herb also contains antioxidants, such as gomisin A and Wuweizisu C, to protect your cells from free radicals and prevent oxidation. This is why it’s often used in longevity formulas in Chinese medicine.


Schizandra is very popular among woman for its ability to make the skin soft, smooth and beautiful. It has been taken for many hundreds of years in China for this purpose. It is believed to work by balancing the fluids of the skin.

This herb is popular with people who suffer from mental disorders such as anxiety, depression and mood swings. Though it’s unknown how it works for these symptoms, Schizandra has been used for these ailments for many hundreds of years with much success.

Though not enough research has been done in this area, there is some preliminary evidence that Schizandra my inhibit cancer cell growth for some types of cancers, such as leukemia. Much more research needs to be done before this will be considered a truly effective treatment.


For men, this herb may be beneficial for impotence and erectile dysfunction since it has the ability to dilate the blood vessels, helping men achieve erection.

As far as heart health goes, this herb’s blood vessel dilating properties are also good for lowering blood pressure, improving circulation and improving heart function in general.

Schizandra is beneficial to the respiratory system too. It rids the body of lung mucus by acting as expectorant. It is also used to treat coughs.


Schizandra Uses

•As a powerful adaptogen

•Increase strength and stamina

•Increase energy

•For clarity of mind

•Fight fatigue

•Treat asthma

•Treat influenza

•Treat pre menstrual syndrome

•Help digestion and treat indigestion

•Treat liver disease

•Enhance the working of the immune system

•As a powerful antioxidant

•Treat respiratory ailments

•Improve the functioning of the respiratory system

•As an aphrodisiac

•For anti-aging and longevity

•Treat sore throats, colds and coughs

•Protect the liver and lungs

•Treat insomnia and night sweats

•Treat mental and physical exhaustion

•Relieve stress

•Treat depression

•Increase circulation

•Treat high blood pressure

•Recuperation following surgery

•For it’s anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties

•treat chronic fatigue syndrome

•Protect and enhance vision and hearing

•Treat insomnia

•Lower high cholesterol

•Treat asthma



How It Works

Schizandra contains many important substances for better health. Some of these are phytochemicals, essential oils, acids and lignans, vitamins A and C, chromium, phosphorus, magnesium, silica and beneficial fats and antioxidants.

These bring health to the body in and of themselves but some of the workings of the specific actions of this herb are still unknown to science.


Besides the vitamins and minerals, this herb also contains lignans called schizandrol, gamma-schizandrin, Schizandrin and deoxyschizandrin. These are beneficial to the pulmonary, intestinal and the cardiovascular systems of the body. Schizandra also contains immunomodulating compounds that exhibit cortisone type effects. These are what are thought to relieve stress and normalize the metabolic functions of the body.


How It’s Used

These delicious berries can be eaten raw or dried, mixed into beverages or food such as soup. You can also obtain the dried powder in capsule form.



Precautions and Side Effects

Schizandra should not be taken by people who have gastroesophageal reflex disease(GERD), epilepsy, peptic ulcers or high brain(intracranial) pressure. Do not take Schizandra if you are pregnant or nursing. Always talk to your doctor before taking any health supplement.


Description and History Of Schizandra

Schizandra is a woody vine that grows in China, Korea and Russia. It has attractive green foliage, pink flowers and red berries. These flavorful berries are often eaten raw, dried or cooked in soup.

Schizandra was prized for thousands of years by Chinese emperors as an anti-ageing tonic and for it’s stress and fatigue reducing properties. The ladies used the berries as a beauty aid for the skin.


Editor’s Comments

I often take Schizandra for its adaptogen properties as well as for the skin. If you take it for at least a month, your skin will look much younger and more beautiful.


Chinese medicine : Schizandra berry a potent adaptogenic herb

by Dani Veracity / Natural News / July 03, 2005


Instead of starting off your day with a cup of coffee, try some schizandra berry supplements to wake up your mind. And if you're too stressed at night to sleep, don't stay up watching late night television; take some schizandra berry supplements to calm you down. How can a single item have such apparently contradictory effects? According to thousands of years of traditional Chinese medicine, schizandra is an "adaptogenic" herb.

In 1958, Russian holistic doctor I.I. Brekhman and his colleague I.V. Dardymov coined the term "adaptogenic" to refer to any herb that "usually has a normalizing action irrespective of the direction of the pathological state." In other words, it doesn't matter whether you're too sleepy or too nervous; either way, schizandra will redirect you from an extreme to an ideal, balanced state. Schizandra may also provide additional medicinal benefits.

Around 2,000 years ago, Shen Nong first referred to schizandra as a valuable adaptogenic tonic. Since then, it has remained one of the most popular adaptogenic herbs in China, where it is taken to promote mental function, strengthen the sex organs and beautify the skin, according to Off the Shelf Natural Health by Mark Mayell.

In Herbal Medicine, Healing and Cancer, Donald R. Yance Jr. lists many of schizandra's uses, which include increasing mental and physical exercise capacities, as well as improving adaptability to darkness and other environmental stresses. Yance points out that, unlike caffeine, schizandra stimulates the central nervous system without creating an excitatory effect. Schizandra provides a mental boost without the jitteriness caused by caffeine.

Recent studies suggest that schizandra may offer some additional health benefits. According to Dr. Sheldon Saul Hendler's Vitamin and Mineral Encyclopedia, some research studies demonstrate that substances extracted from schizandra may help treat liver disorders. Other studies show that schizandra extracts may have cortisone-like effects on the immune system. These benefits definitely deserve more research interest, as schizandra may someday provide safer alternatives for traditional pharmaceutical medications.

The Chinese refer to schizandra tonic as the "five-flavored seed" because it tastes sour, bitter, sweet, acrid and salty. However, you don't have to taste its five flavors in order to obtain the benefits of schizandra. Schizandra berry supplements are becoming increasingly available at local stores worldwide and they are already easily purchased on the internet.


The experts speak on schizandra

In the Far East, everyone from Chinese emperors to family herbalists has long recognized the remarkable powers of the herb schizandra to promote longevity and increase stamina.

Its strengthening effect is combined with system-balancing properties, making it ideal for such conditions as fatigue, nervous exhaustion, and lack of energy. Schizandra is one of the most popular adaptogenic herbs in China, where it is taken to beautify the skin, strengthen the sex organs, and promote mental function. Its use has more recently spread to Russia, Scandinavia, Western Europe, and the United States.


Off The Shelf Natural Health How To Use Herbs And Nutrients To Stay Well By Mark Mayell, page 292 (An adaptogenic herb) must be innocuous and cause minimal disorders in the physiological functions of an organism, it must have a nonspecific action, and it usually has a normalizing action irrespective of the direction of the pathological state.

Brekhman, I.I. & Dardymov, I.V. "New substances of plant origin which increase nonspecific resistance," Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology, as quoted in Edward C. Wallace's Adaptogenic Herbs: Nature's Solution to Stress(The Chiropractic Research Organization)

The dried berry of schizandra, like astragalus, bupleurum, ginseng, and ligusticum, is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine for its adaptogenic properties and as a restorative remedy for immune enhancement.

Schizandra is referred to as the 5-flavored seed because its taste includes the five tastes of sour, bitter, sweet, acrid, and salty. In Shen Nong's Herbal Classic(written about two thousand years ago) and in the Compendium of Materia Medica(written by L.I. Shizhen in 1596), schizandra was referred to as a valuable tonic-an adaptogen with a diversity of indications for its use. It has a stimulatory effect on the central nervous system without being excitatory and enhances both mental and physical capabilities.

Herbal Medicine Healing Cancer by Donald R Yance Jr, page 108


Substances have been isolated from schizandra which appear to have protective effects against liver toxins in mice. And there are reports that extracts of the herb are beneficial in the treatment of various liver disorders in experimental animals.

Immunomodulating substances have also been isolated from the herb, some of which have cortisone-like effects. Schizandra may prove to have some role in modern medicine yet, but it's doubtful that it will be a miraculous one.

Vitamin And Mineral Encyclopedia by Sheldon Saul Hendler MD PhD, page 326

Schizandra is also considered adaptogenic and a tonic, according to a review of its traditional use as well as a review of the scientific studies that demonstrate its ability to increase work capacity, exercise capacity, mental capacity, and adaptability to darkness and other environmental stresses in both animal and human studies.

Herbal Medicine Healing Cancer by Donald R Yance Jr, page 109

The formula contains schizandra, zizyphus, cistanche, and juglans, used to enhance energy; tang kuei and lycium, which nourish blood; acornus, to improve circulation; arisaema, to resolve phlegm; and gastrodia and succinum to calm anxiety, seizures, forgetfulness, and insomnia. In addition, the formula contains "dragon tooth," a calcium source, along with biota seed and polygala root acting as nourishing sedatives. It is interesting to note in this formula that both anxiety and forgetful-ness are treated with blood- and energy-building herbs. This proves again that having adequate yin and yang normalizes physical and mental processes.

Asian Health Secrets by Letha Hadady DAc, page 452


Schizandra berries(for stimulation) with Senega, Cayenne, Gotu Kola, and Fo Ti Tieng in teas (helps energize and preserve the brain and body, noted for making geniuses, rids retardation).

Anti-Aging Manual by Joseph B Marion, page 9


There are many herbs that are reputed to influence mental function. A partial list includes (bacopa monniera), cordyceps, gotu kola, rosemary, maca, Fo-ti, reishi, and schizandra. Then there are foodlike supplements such as spirulina, blue-green algae, and royal jelly. The research with many of these supplements is very limited. I am certain that some of them do have an effect since I have personally noticed increased alertness and energy levels when I've taken royal jelly, maca, and gotu kola.

Mind Boosters by Dr Ray Sahelia MD, page 187


Panax ginseng, and Siberian ginseng. brain Power Plus also contains red-date extract, which is used in traditional Chinese medicine to enhance the activity of ginseng; schizandra, a powerful antioxidant that assists with mental clarity and increases your body's level of the detoxifying enzyme glutathione; and the traditional Indian "brain tonic" gotu kolu, which is used in Ayurvedic medicine to improve mental agility and reduce anxiety and depression. See the "Guide to Sources and Availability" on page 151 for the source of brain Power Plus.

Underground Cures by Health Sciences Institute, page 153

The combination of ginseng root and schizandra berries reportedly improves memory(reported in Huang, 1999).

The One Earth Herbal Sourcebook by Alan Keith Tillotson, page 198



Chinese Medicine : The Powerful Tonic Wu Wei Zi or “Five Taste Fruit”

by Christopher Gussa / Natural News / May 09, 2008


The very name of Schizandrae, Wu Wei Zi, reveals the qualities of this amazing herb. In the Chinese language, Wu Wei Zi means "Five Taste Fruit." When consumed, you can literally taste all five flavors at once(sour, bitter, sweet, spicy and salty).

This relates to the essence of all five of the elemental energies(wood, fire, earth, metal and water), and therefore addresses the five major organ systems of the body. Schizandra also develops the primary energies of life by addressing all three of "The Three Treasures"( This is of course of great benefit to the body of anyone who consumes it.


Adaptogenic Qualities

Schizandrae is considered to be one of the premier adaptogen herbs. Like Ginseng, Acanthopanax, Gynostemma, He Shou Wu, Reishi Mushrooms and many others, Schizandra increases resistance of the body and mind against nonspecific stimuli. It can protect the body from damage due to extreme or chronic stress. In particular, it can protect the liver and adrenals and prevent atrophy due to extreme stress.

This safe yet very powerful tonic herb has calming energies and possesses some pain-alleviating properties yet it is also considered a central nervous system stimulant. This testifies to its broad range of balance throughout the entire body. In fact, Wu Wei Zi is considered to be one of the best tonics for the mind used to sharpen concentration, improve memory and increase alertness. However, unlike many central nervous system stimulants, Schizandra does not produce nervousness at all. Many people consider Schizandrae to be mildly "calming" while still producing wakefulness and improved focus. One of the things I always loved about it in my clinical practice was that it can boost the desperately needed immune factors in auto-immune diseases without igniting the immune system at all.


Effects on Skin and "Beauty"

Schizandrae is often used to both beautify the skin and to protect the skin from the damaging effects of the sun and wind. Due to the astringent quality of Schizandra, the skin tends to hold its moisture much better and becomes full and beautiful. It is said in China that those who use Schizandra consistently will remain youthful in appearance and in general strength and vitality.

Schizandrae is always found in any of the classic TCM(Traditional Chinese Medicine) formulas for beauty as it has been demonstrated to generate vitality and radiant beauty when used regularly for some time. If used for about 100 days successively, Schizandrae is demonstrated to purify the blood, sharpen the mind, improve memory, rejuvenate the Kidney energy and improve the sexual energy and functions in both men and women. Through its wonderful tonic effect on the lungs it can cause the skin to become radiantly beautiful with a very noticeable healthy underlining pink tone. Its astringent effect helps to lessen wrinkles and provides a firm yet soft texture to the touch. It can also greatly benefit the hair and nails and is wonderful for this when combined with my personal favorite tonic herb, He Shou Wu.


Schizandrae's "Aphrodisiac" Qualities

The "aphrodisiac" qualities(for both men and women), especially when combined with other Kidney tonifying herbs like Epimedium etc., are quite remarkable. Schizandrae is one of the most important astringent herbs used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. This powerful astringent herb conserves fluids, and tends to contain sexual fluids until the appropriate time of release.

Thus, consuming Schizandrae for a period of time, one tends to build up sexual fluids. This is as important to women as it is men in the sexual act as it sets up the experience for great excitement. However, Schizandrae is used in many sexual formulations for men to prevent premature ejaculation and to help promote endurance.



Schizandrae is also one of the primary cleansing tonic herbs used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Along with Reishi Mushroom, it is one of the primary liver cleansing agents used in China. Schizandrae does not have the mechanical colon cleansing side effects that are associated with many of the American "medicinal," or other liver cleansing herbs yet it is demonstrated that by taking Schizandrae regularly, one can rid the body of toxins before they have a chance to do serious damage.

The alcohol extracts of Schizandra are shown to protect the liver from damage due to the toxic world we all live in. (Alcohol is so useful in carrying healing herbs to the liver for many of the same reasons that its abuse is so harmful to the liver.)



Schizandrae is among the most popular tonic herbs in Asia used for longevity and is often found pictured in ancient art as a symbol of longevity, and even the ability to attain "immortality." Well, OK, that may be a bit of folk-lore and exaggeration but there has to have been at least a truly large longevity factor for these images to have ever been recorded in this way.


Chemical "Scientific" Knowledge

Although I do not consider the breaking down of molecular components useful for anything but "pharma-interest", here are the Chemical findings

The fruit of Schizandrae chinensis contains numerous lignins, schizandrins A, B and C, deoxyschizandrin, g-schizandrin, pseudo-g-schizandrin, schizandrol and Schizandra esters. Fructus Schizandra contains approximately 3% volatile oil. It also contains vitamins C and E, citral, b-sitosterol and citric acid. Remember, these are all they can identify. There are likely thousands of others.


True Useful Scientific Findings

Schizandrae has been found to induce the production in human beings of g-interferon. Schizandrae has been demonstrated in laboratory animals and in humans to have a stimulant action on the central nervous system. The herb works directly on the nervous tissue. Many studies now indicate that Schizandra actually has a powerful balancing, or regulating, action on the central nervous system. It can result in accurate and optimal balancing between the excitatory and inhibitory control functions of the cerebral cortex.

It has been demonstrated that human intellectual activity can be enhanced and work efficiency increased by consuming Schizandra. Various tests have shown that moderate therapeutic doses of Schizandra can improve various activities requiring concentration, fine coordination, sensitivity and endurance. The tests in humans confirming Schizandra's efficacy in these areas range from threading needles to running marathons.

Human studies have also shown that Schizandrae can improve vision, even enlarging the field of vision, and can improve hearing. It also improves the discrimination ability of the skin receptors. It has been determined that this increased sensitivity is due to improved function of the central nervous system's ability to analyze data flowing to it from the peripheral sensors

Schizandrae has been shown to have significant respiratory strengthening capacity. It can cause the breathing to be both deeper and more powerful. Schizandra also has significant expectorant and antitussive properties.

Schizandrae has been shown to have significant hepatic protective effects. It can promote the regeneration of liver tissue, and promotes protein synthesis, nucleic acid synthesis. It is believed that the protective action of Schizandrae is partly due to its ability to promote the regeneration of mitochondria in hepatic cells. Also, it can improve the function of the cell membrane, lowering its permeability which in turn minimizes enzyme leakage into the blood stream.

It can reduce elevated SGPT in patients with chronic hepatitis. In a clinical study conducted in China, more than 5000 people suffering from various types of hepatitis were given Schizandra and the results were very good. The aggregate effective rate was 84-97.9%. SGPT was normalized in about 75% of the cases.

In another clinical study, Schizandrae was proved to be very effective in treating various neurotic symptoms, including insomnia, headache, dizziness, blurred vision, palpitations and nocturnal emission. It has even been used in cases of psychosis, with symptoms of hallucination, paranoia and neurosis, with good results.



Recommended by Taoist masters, revered by athletes - "Schizandra berry uplifts energy, sharpens the mind and enhances libido"

by Carolanne Wright / Natural News/ December 13, 2012


Forget the morning cup of java - try schizandra instead. This tiny fruit will provide clarity and energy without toxic and unnerving side effects. A powerful berry, schizandra combats everything from aging to nervous exhaustion to poor libido. Treasured by Asian cultures for centuries, schizandra is an outstanding adaptogenic herb that can encourage a spring in your step and a sparkle in your eye.


A small, brilliantly red berry, schizandra is part of the magnolia family. It is native to China, Japan and Korea as well as Russia. Traditionally, it has been used to foster mental acuity and agelessness. Schizandra is also known for its libido enriching properties. A true adaptogen, it is safe, non-toxic and reduces stress while providing stable energy. Taoist masters heartily recommend schizandra to their students due to the belief that it is one of the few herbs that contains all three treasures(the energies of Essence, Vitality and Spirit). They feel anyone working with internal energy could benefit greatly from the berry.


This is not a fruit to munch on like goji or acai, however. Schizandra has five flavor characteristics - sweet, sour, salty, bitter and pungent. It isn't exactly the type of berry enjoyed for its delicious taste. Used frequently in Chinese soups and occasionally juiced, schizandra is specifically consumed as a medicinal tonic to boost health and vitality.


Improve performance, curtail fatigue and spark libido

Chinese athletes often use schizandra during training for good reason - it reduces fatigue while improving physical power. A significant increase in the performance and stamina of gymnasts, long distance runners and competitive athletes was found during human testing of the berry.


Physical strength is not the only benefit of schizandra, the mind is sharpened too. Several studies confirm schizandra enhances concentration and memory, increases accuracy and quality of work while reducing mental fatigue. Doctors, students, soldiers and others have all shown marked mental improvement from schizandra use.

Sexual health is also fortified. Schizandra is said to "help produce abundant sexual fluids, increase sexual endurance and to strengthen the whole body," according to The Journal of Traditional Eastern Health & Fitness. When consumed regularly, it is an exceptional and reliable tonic.


Schizandra is considered a highly protective medicinal plant. It has remarkable antioxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics, thereby supporting healthy cellular function. Inhibiting the aging process and creating moist, radiant skin is yet another benefit. The liver is protected by this berry as well. In over 500 cases, the liver shielding properties of schizandra were demonstrated in the treatment of hepatitis.

Schizandra is a wonderful fruit that packs a powerful punch. If you are seeking exceptional mental clarity, buoyant energy or a youthful glow, use schizandra for 100 consecutive days. It very well may provide a much needed boost to your life.


Sources for this article include

"Schizandra is a Berry with Many Health Benefits"

by Chris Kilham / Fox News Latino / Published May 11, 2011



"Schizandra Berry"

by Dr. Mao / Ask Dr. Mao / Retrieved on November 28, 2012



"Health and Wellness Library : Schizandra"

Nutri Herb / Retrieved on November 28, 2012


Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Liz N
Amazing stuff!

I’m obsessed with this stuff - delicious and makes me feel wonderful! Wish I could buy in bulk - I’ve tried the loose dried tea and it’s not the same!