How to Live Healthy ?

How to Live Healthy ?

Introduction Are you looking to live a healthier lifestyle but don't know where to start? The good news is that it's never too late to make positive changes towards your health. Living healthy isn't just...

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Importance of pine oil

Importance of pine oil

Pine oil is a natural extract derived from pine trees that has been used for centuries by many cultures in various ways. This versatile substance is known for its unique aroma, which can evoke memories...

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6 Good Sources of Vitamin D

Good Sources of Vitamin D

How much vitamin D are you getting? Probabilistically no, I think. Worldwide, 42 percent of people and one billion people are vitamin D deficient, and the majority of them are unaware of it. Although the...

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Tips to Keep you Safe from Covid-19

Tips to Keep you Safe from Covid-19

Pointer #1 Eat Like your Life Depends on it (because in a huge way, it does)

Most of us are eating to survive or to quench a craving, giving little to no thought on how these foods could be harming our immune systems. And this alarms me! Because what we eat is SO important for keeping yourself healthy. Eating with intention should definitely be the new narrative. Why? The immune system falters and can more easily overlook foreign pathogens  coming to harm us. So make sure you’re stocked up on all vitamins, fats, minerals, proteins, and the other vital nutrients. This gives you a much stronger team of pathogen fighting cells arriving at the scene when a bacteria or virus is attempting to  invade your body. 

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