Red Pine Needle Oil 2oz | Buy Live Pine Superior Pine Oil

$89.99 – $430.00

Red Pine Needle Oil (2oz): Your Path to Optimal Health Live Pine Red Pine Needle Oil (2oz) is a powerful natural product designed to provide a multitude of health benefits. Containing...

Vendor: Live Pine SKU: N/A

Red Pine Needle Oil (2oz): Your Path to Optimal Health

Live Pine Red Pine Needle Oil (2oz) is a powerful natural product designed to provide a multitude of health benefits. Containing shikimic acid and suramin, this oil is a key component in creating other safe and natural health products. It offers a holistic approach to health, helping to prevent various bodily issues and promoting overall well-being.

Take 6-8 drops under the tongue is best to start off with. You can increase the dosage after two weeks.

Comprehensive Health Benefits

Natural Cleansing and Detoxification

Live Pine Red Pine Needle Oil excels in cleansing and detoxifying the body, addressing multiple systems:

  • Cleanses the Vascular System: Ensures healthy blood flow and removes impurities from the bloodstream.
  • Supports the Endocrine System: Regulates hormones and improves glandular functions.
  • Boosts the Immune System: Strengthens the body's natural defenses against illnesses.
  • Eliminates Toxins: Removes harmful substances from the body, promoting overall health.
  • Fights Infections: Effectively combats viruses and bacterial infections, keeping you healthy.

Important Note: Do not use this product if you are nursing or pregnant.

Therapeutic Properties

Live Pine Red Pine Needle Oil offers a wide array of therapeutic benefits, making it an essential addition to your health regimen:

  • Analgesic: Provides pain relief.
  • Antibacterial: Kills bacteria and prevents infections.
  • Antifungal: Fights fungal infections.
  • Anti-inflammatory: Reduces inflammation in the body.
  • Antimicrobial: Prevents the growth of harmful microorganisms.
  • Antioxidant: Protects against damage from free radicals.
  • Anti-parasitic: Eliminates parasites.
  • Antiseptic: Disinfects and cleans wounds.
  • Antitumor: Helps in inhibiting tumor growth.
  • Antitussive: Relieves cough.
  • Antiviral: Fights against viruses.
  • Aromatic: Provides a pleasant and soothing scent.
  • Astringent: Tightens and tones the skin.
  • Decongestant: Clears nasal passages.
  • Detoxifying: Removes toxins from the body.
  • Disinfectant: Cleans and sanitizes surfaces.
  • Diuretic: Promotes urine production.
  • Expectorant: Clears mucus from the respiratory tract.
  • Immuno-modulating: Enhances the immune system's response.
  • Improves Circulation: Enhances blood flow.
  • Invigorating: Boosts energy levels.
  • Lymphatic: Supports the lymphatic system.
  • Relaxing: Reduces stress and promotes relaxation.
  • Relieves Nervous Exhaustion and Fatigue: Alleviates mental and physical fatigue.
  • Relieves Sore Muscles: Soothes muscle aches and pains.
  • Restorative: Promotes overall health and well-being.
  • Tonic: Strengthens and invigorates the body.

Detoxification and Protection

Live Pine Red Pine Needle Oil plays a vital role in detoxifying the liver and bloodstream, chemically neutralizing various environmental pollutants including radiation and nano plastic particles. This oil also:

  • Strengthens Cells: Enhances cell health and function.
  • Improves Blood Vessel Elasticity: Creates nitric oxide inside the blood vessels, making them more elastic and supple, and cleans out plaque buildup.
  • Neutralizes Toxins: Fights tumors and neutralizes toxins without the side effects associated with drugs.
  • Transports Nutrients: Effectively transports nutrients into every cell of the body.

Comprehensive Protection

Live Pine Red Pine Needle Oil offers extensive protection against a variety of health issues, including:

  • Anti-fungal, Anti-yeast, Anti-microbial, Anti-viral: Protects against a wide range of infections.
  • Anti-inflammatory, Anti-parasitic, Anti-mold, Anti-tumor: Reduces inflammation and fights against parasites, mold, and tumors.
  • Anticoagulants: Prevents blood clotting, promoting better circulation.

Heavy Metal Detoxification

This oil neutralizes and digests toxins from cells, including harmful substances like cadmium, nicotine, strontium, polyvinyl chloride, and mercury. By doing so, it ensures that your body remains free from dangerous toxins and heavy metals.

Unique Chemical Composition

Special Molecular Structure

Live Pine Red Pine Needle Oil boasts a unique chemical composition that includes monoterpene hydrocarbons such as a-pinene, 3-carene, dipentene, b-pinene, D-limonene, a-terpinene, g-terpinene, cis-b-ocimene, myrcene, camphene, sabinene, and terpinolene. Other significant constituents include:

  • Bornyl Acetate
  • Borneol
  • 1,8-Cineole
  • Citral Terpineol
  • T-Cadinol
  • T-Muurolol
  • a-Cadinol
  • Caryophyllene
  • Chamazulene
  • Butyric Acid
  • Valeric Acid
  • Caproic Acid
  • Suramin
  • Shikimic Acid
  • Isocaproic Acid

Rare C10 H16 Molecule

Live Pine Red Pine Needle Oil contains a rare C10 H16 molecule, which provides numerous health benefits. This unique combination helps cleanse the vascular, endocrine, lymphatic, and pulmonary systems, ultimately boosting the immune system.

Special Ingredients

This oil includes several special ingredients that contribute to its effectiveness:

  • Alpha-lipoic Acid: One of the best free radical scavengers, aiding the liver in recycling elements and returning for further scavenging.
  • Omega 3, 6, 9, 12: These essential fatty acids work together to remove heavy metals from the body and protect against radiation.

Superior Quality and Safety

Eco-Friendly and Safe

Live Pine Red Pine Needle Oil is produced under strict safety guidelines, ensuring it is eco-friendly and free from side effects. Our oil is available at an affordable price exclusively on our site, making it accessible for everyone.

Popularity and Trust

Red Pine Needle Oil has gained immense popularity due to its numerous health benefits. It is the preferred choice among users seeking high-quality essential oils. Extracted from pine needles, this oil stands out for its medicinal properties and overall effectiveness.

Distinctive Features

Live Pine's Red Pine Needle Oil is unique as it is the only edible oil on the market that cleanses every metabolic pathway in the body. It balances hormones, aiding the hypothalamus, pituitary, and pineal glands in detoxifying from fluorinated water buildup.

Extensive Uses and Benefits

Skin Nourishment

Live Pine Red Pine Needle Oil is perfect for nourishing the skin. It helps treat acne, pimples, and rashes, making it suitable for all skin types. The oil is rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene, which condition the skin and address minor problems.


  • Apply a few drops to the affected area or use a diffuser.
  • Mix with natural creams or face packs for an instant glow.
  • Use for minor burns, rashes, and acne.

Natural Pain Relief

This oil serves as an excellent natural painkiller for internal and muscle pain. It cleanses the vascular, endocrine, lymphatic, and pulmonary systems, boosting blood flow and reducing inflammation.


  • Place a few drops (6-8 )under the tongue for quick absorption into the bloodstream.
  • Apply to sore muscles for relief from pain and tension.

Mental Health Benefits

Live Pine Red Pine Needle Oil supports mental health by promoting relaxation and better sleep. Its aromatic properties help soothe the mind, alleviate stress, and improve overall mental well-being.


  • Add a few drops to water for a calming air freshener.
  • Use in a diffuser to enhance sleep quality and relaxation.

Enhancing Circulation and Detoxification

Red Pine Needle Oil is effective in enhancing circulation and detoxifying the body. It creates nitric oxide inside the blood vessels, making them more elastic and supple while cleaning out plaque buildup. This oil is known for its ability to neutralize toxins without the side effects associated with drugs.


  • Use regularly to support cardiovascular health and detoxification. 6-8 drops under the tongue. 
  • Combine with other detox practices for comprehensive health support.

Boosting Immune System

Regular use of Live Pine Red Pine Needle Oil can significantly boost the immune system. It helps clean toxins, parasites, candida, viruses, and bacterial infections from the body, enhancing overall health and well-being.


  • Incorporate into daily routine for consistent immune support.
  • Use during cold and flu season to bolster defenses.

Usage Instructions and Precautions

How to Use Live Pine Red Pine Needle Oil

For best results, follow these usage instructions:

  1. Under the Tongue: Place a few drops under the tongue 6-8 drops to allow for rapid absorption into the bloodstream.
  2. Topical Application: Apply directly to the skin on areas needing attention, such as muscles or joints.
  3. Diffuser: Add to a diffuser to spread the beneficial aroma throughout your home.
  4. Bath: Add a few drops to your bath for a relaxing and therapeutic experience.

Safety Precautions

While Live Pine Red Pine Needle Oil is safe for most users, it is important to observe these safety guidelines:

  • Do Not Ingest Large Amounts :Avoid swallowing the oil directly in large amounts, all at once. If ingested in large amounts, seek medical attention if needed. A Flu like symptoms may occur. Followed by frequent bathroom trips. 
  • Avoid Eye Contact: Prevent contact with eyes. If contact occurs, rinse thoroughly with water.
  • Consult Your Physician: If you are pregnant, nursing, or attempting to become pregnant, consult your physician before use.
  • Keep Out of Reach of Children: Store the oil in a safe place, away from children.


red pine needle oil

Red Pine Needle Oil 2oz: Nature's Health Elixir

Red Pine Needle Oil 2oz offers an exceptional range of health benefits, harnessing the power of nature's finest elements. With its rich composition of beneficial compounds, this oil is renowned for its natural properties that enhance well-being and vitality.

The Essence of Red Pine Needle Oil

Red Pine Needle Oil is celebrated for its captivating aroma and potent health benefits. This oil is derived from the needles of the red pine tree, known for its therapeutic properties and unique chemical profile. The key components of this essential oil include:

  • Monoterpene Hydrocarbons: These include alpha-pinene, 3-carene, dipentene, beta-pinene, D-limonene, alpha-terpinene, gamma-terpinene, cis-beta-ocimene, myrcene, camphene, sabinene, and terpinolene (Schulz et al., 1998).
  • Additional Constituents: The oil also contains bornyl acetate, borneol, 1,8-cineole, citral, terpineol, T-cadinol, T-muurolol, alpha-cadinol, caryophyllene, chamazulene, butyric acid, valeric acid, caproic acid, suramin, shikimic acid, and isocaproic acid (Leung and Foster, 1996).

Health Benefits of Red Pine Needle Oil

Red Pine Needle Oil stands out due to its unique chemical composition and health benefits, including:

  1. Vascular and Endocrine System Support

    • Cleansing: The oil effectively cleanses the vascular system and supports the endocrine system, enhancing overall bodily functions.
    • Immune Boost: It helps in boosting the immune system, making the body more resilient to illnesses.
  2. Detoxification and Infection Prevention

    • Toxin Removal: Red Pine Needle Oil aids in eliminating toxins from the body, including harmful substances such as cadmium, nicotine, strontium, polyvinyl chloride, and mercury.
    • Antimicrobial Properties: The oil combats viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi, making it a powerful agent against infections.
  3. Anti-inflammatory and Pain Relief

    • Pain Management: It serves as an excellent anti-inflammatory and analgesic, helping relieve both muscle strain and internal pain.
    • Enhanced Circulation: The oil promotes better blood flow, which can alleviate pain and enhance overall circulation.
  4. Skin Nourishment and Healing

    • Skin Health: Red Pine Needle Oil is beneficial for various skin issues, including acne, rashes, and minor burns. Its antimicrobial properties help in healing and conditioning the skin.
    • Daily Boost: Regular use can improve skin appearance and health, offering a natural alternative to conventional skincare products.
  5. Mental and Emotional Well-being

    • Stress Relief: The soothing aroma of Red Pine Needle Oil can help reduce stress and anxiety, contributing to better mental health.
    • Improved Sleep: Its relaxing properties aid in achieving restful sleep, counteracting the effects of stress and overwork.

Unique Features of Live Pine Red Pine Needle Oil

Live Pine Red Pine Needle Oil is distinguished by several unique characteristics:

  • Edibility: Unlike many essential oils, Live Pine's Red Pine Needle Oil is safe for consumption. It supports the body’s metabolic pathways and restores balanced hormone levels.
  • Special Molecules: The oil contains rare C10H16 molecules that contribute to its numerous health benefits, including detoxification and immune support.
  • Special Ingredients: Enriched with alpha-lipoic acid and Omega 3, 6, 9, and 12, the oil offers powerful antioxidant properties and aids in removing heavy metals from the body.

Usage Recommendations

  1. As a Natural Pain Killer

    • Application: For pain relief, apply a few drops of Red Pine Needle Oil under the tongue to facilitate absorption and improve blood flow. It can also be mixed with a carrier oil for topical application on sore muscles.
  2. For Skin Health

    • Application: Apply directly to affected areas or use in a diffuser. It can also be combined with creams or face packs for enhanced skin benefits.
  3. For Mental Health

    • Application: Use in aromatherapy to help with relaxation and sleep. Adding a few drops to a diffuser or bath can promote a sense of calm and well-being.
  4. For Air Freshening

    • Application: Mix with water to create a natural air freshener that also offers antimicrobial benefits. This can help combat unpleasant odors and contribute to a healthier living environment.

Safety and Precautions

  • Pregnancy and Nursing: Do not use Red Pine Needle Oil if you are pregnant, nursing, or attempting to become pregnant. Consult your physician before beginning any new supplement regimen, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are using the oil with children.

A Legacy of Quality

Since 2004, Live Pine has been a trusted importer of Korean Pine Needle Oil, also known as Japanese Pine Oil. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction is reflected in our carefully sourced and affordable products. We are dedicated to helping our customers experience the full range of benefits from our premium Red Pine Needle Oil.

Contact Us

For more information or to place an order, please contact us at 510-750-7055. Our customer care team is available to address any queries and provide support to ensure you get the most out of your Red Pine Needle Oil.

Experience the transformative power of Live Pine Red Pine Needle Oil and discover how this exceptional product can enhance your health and well-being.

Customer Reviews

Based on 56 reviews
Vivian W Morgan
Red pine needle oil

Only product that I have found that removes my hip and back pain by 96%.

Jillian Hendrix
Love it

I've been using this product for a while now and it is incredibly effective. I take the capsules and the oil and it's helping my detox protocol. I highly recommend!

I have a new fear.

I now live in fear of running out. I bought four bottles to be on the safe side. From here on out I am taking this prophylacticly. This oil makes me better. I take 8 drops three time a day.

Ron O
The Best of the Best

This is one of the best products I've ever used (Red Pine Needle oil). You can feel the healthy pervasive nature of the oil throughout your body; opening all channels and vessels. I feel so lucky to know that this product exists. On top of all of this, you have Steve, the owner, whose knowledge, integrity, as well as his expertise to rely upon.

Debbie french
Great product

I love this red pine oil. I rub some on both soles of my feet and have noticed a fading of my varicose veins. I also put some drops in a homemade coconut oil toothpaste and have noticed a healing of my gums. I can't recommend this product enough!!