How much vitamin D are you getting? Probabilistically no, I think. Worldwide, 42 percent of people and one billion people are vitamin D deficient, and the majority of them are unaware of it. Although the NIH suggests 600–800 IU per day, it is advised that vegetarians and vegans aim for the highest number in that range. The amount that each person requires varies depending on their age and other factors. Babies only require 400, however most children and adults require 600. If you are elderly, you might want to increase your intake to at least 800, but bear in mind that 4,000 is the maximum amount that anyone should consume. After that, you can feel weak and experience nausea.
But most people don't have a problem with that. The levels of vitamin D are frequently too low. The populations of Black and Hispanic origin are more at risk. You may have weakness in your bones, weariness, and muscle soreness if you don't get enough vitamin D. Insufficient vitamin D can also result in children's growth being stunted. Yes, sunlight provides us with vitamin D, but as more and more of us choose to live and work indoors, receiving enough sunlight each day is becoming increasingly difficult. Given that the majority of foods containing the vitamin are animal-based, getting enough of it through your diet might be challenging, especially if you are a vegetarian or vegan. But don't give up! You can raise your levels of vitamin D by eating vegetarian and vegan-friendly foods.
1. Mushrooms

The only naturally occurring plant-based sources of vitamin D are mushrooms. They possess a substance that turns into vitamin D2 when exposed to sunshine. The FDA has even authorized the addition of UV-treated mushrooms to other foods to boost vitamin D intake. Naturally, mushrooms like to grow in the dark, but that doesn't mean you can't manually increase their vitamin D levels. Put them in the sun from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. by simply spreading them out on a baking sheet. Cooking has no effect on these D levels either. Additionally, vitamin D levels have a long shelf life, allowing you to cook or consume them at any time after preparation. When eating mushrooms, especially wild ones, use caution. Make careful to make your wild mushrooms from a reputable farmer's market or grocery store because not all wild mushrooms are edible and eating toxic mushrooms can be dangerous or even fatal.
- Fortified Cereals
It doesn't necessarily mean something doesn't exist if it isn't found in nature. Almost all commercially available cereals are fortified with vitamin D. This covers most types of oats and dry cereals.
- Fortified Nondairy Milks
And what do you drink after eating the cereal? Vitamin D is also added to plant-based milks including almond, soy, rice, and even cashew milk. 10 to 25 percent of your daily value can be obtained in one cup. Be aware that milk that isn't specifically labeled as fortified will have very little vitamin D because the vitamin doesn't naturally occur in the food.
- Fortified Orange Juice
Not a fan of milk? There are several choices available for orange juice. There are some that are fortified with calcium only; however, you can nearly always locate one that is fortified with vitamin D3. It has been demonstrated that consuming fortified orange juice can increase your D levels in an amount similar to that of supplementation. You shouldn't rely just on juice for your vitamin D needs, despite the fact that they can supply 10–25% of your daily needs. It contains a lot of sugar but no fiber to reduce the surge in sucrose. Consider including OJ into a protein- and vitamin-rich smoothie to combat this.
- Tofu
The versatility of tofu is its best quality. It can be used into many different dishes at any time of day. While some tofu has up to 20% of your daily vitamin D needs, not all tofu is fortified. Omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin B12 are also present, both of which are essential for vegetarian diets. For breakfast, scramble it, add it to a soup, stew, or curry, or season it and serve it with rice or another plant-based supper choice.
- Sunshine
You can produce your own vitamin D! In reality, this is how the majority of people obtain a sizable amount of cash. According to the National Institutes of Health, exposing your face, arms, legs, or back to exposure for 5 to 30 minutes twice a week is typically sufficient to achieve adequate vitamin D levels. However, the exposure must occur without sunscreen, thus make being outside for an extended period of time. Keep in mind that the UV radiation from the sun fluctuate depending on the time and where you live. Your amount of melanin is another aspect. To achieve the intended result, you must expose yourself to the sun's rays for a longer period of time the more you have. It is advised that you obtain some of your vitamin D from other sources due to the cancer risks.
Since vitamin D is fat-soluble, eating fatty foods with it will aid in its absorption. In addition to promoting bone formation, vitamin D also controls the immune system, lessens inflammation, elevates mood, and aids in the body's glucose metabolism. Lack of it can negatively affect your health because it also aids in calcium absorption and blood pressure and cholesterol regulation. Make the amount you require to maintain your health and energy levels throughout the day.